Public key encryption (PKE)

Public key encryption (PKE) is a cryptographic method that uses two keys: a public key, shared openly, and a private key, kept secret by the owner. Unlike symmetric encryption, which relies on a single key for both encryption and decryption, PKE ensures secure communication between parties without sharing secret keys in advance. This model underpins many secure systems, including HTTPS, email encryption, and blockchain transactions.

How Public Key Encryption Works

In PKE, one party generates a key pair. The public key is used by others to encrypt messages intended for the key holder, while the private key decrypts the received messages. Due to the mathematical properties of key pairs (often based on large prime numbers in RSA or elliptic curves in ECDSA), decrypting data without the corresponding private key is computationally impractical, providing robust security.

Code Example (Python with RSA)

Here’s a Python example that illustrates the essentials of RSA public key encryption:

from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_OAEP

# Generate RSA key pair
key = RSA.generate(2048)
public_key = key.publickey()
private_key = key

# Encryption using the public key
cipher =
ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(b”Secret Message”)

# Decryption using the private key
decipher =
plaintext = decipher.decrypt(ciphertext)

print(“Decrypted message:”, plaintext.decode())

Advantages of PKE

1. Secure Key Distribution: Enables secure communication without prior key sharing.

2. Digital Signatures: Supports sender authentication via signatures encrypted with the private key.

3. Scalability: Public keys can be widely distributed, making PKE suitable for large-scale networks.


1. Performance: PKE algorithms are computationally intense, making them less efficient for bulk encryption.

2. Vulnerability to Quantum Computing: Advances in quantum algorithms could potentially compromise traditional PKE methods, though quantum-safe algorithms are under development.

Real-World Applications

PKE is foundational in secure internet protocols like SSL/TLS, secure file transfer, and identity verification in digital certificates. Its versatility makes it an integral part of modern security frameworks, especially in zero-trust architectures and distributed systems.


Public key encryption provides the framework for modern secure communication by enabling safe key distribution and establishing trust without prior exchanges. Its applications extend beyond simple encryption to authentication, integrity, and non-repudiation, making it indispensable in cryptographic infrastructures.

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(Article By Himanshu N)