Migrating Infra : Migration Starter

Migration starter refers to the initial phase of moving a system, application, or database from one environment to another. This process can encompass a variety of tasks such as moving from legacy systems to modern architectures, transitioning between cloud providers, or upgrading a database system. A proper migration starter is crucial for ensuring that the migration process is well-structured, minimizing risks and downtime, and ensuring the integrity of data.

Key Aspects of Migration Starter

1. Assessment and Planning: Before diving into the migration, the first step is a comprehensive assessment of the existing environment. This includes evaluating the architecture, dependencies, and limitations of the current system. Understanding performance bottlenecks, scalability challenges, and any legacy constraints is crucial. The planning phase also involves setting realistic goals, understanding the scope of migration, defining success criteria, and selecting the right tools and strategies for the migration.

2. Data Mapping and Compatibility: One of the core concerns during migration is ensuring that the data from the old system is mapped correctly to the new one. The starter phase often includes creating data models that are compatible with both the source and the destination environments. This may involve designing transformation rules, handling data normalization, and considering issues like data integrity, foreign keys, and data loss prevention.

3. Choosing the Right Migration Approach: There are several migration approaches, including “big bang” and “phased migration.”

Big bang migration involves migrating the entire system at once, typically over a weekend or during off-hours to minimize impact.

Phased migration spreads the migration process over time, moving different components or services progressively. Each approach has its advantages and risks. In a phased migration, for example, testing each component ensures that parts of the system remain functional, whereas big bang migration might be faster but riskier.

4. Automation Tools and Frameworks: Leveraging tools for automating parts of the migration process is highly recommended. Tools like Flyway or Liquibase for database schema migration, or Terraform for infrastructure migration, can speed up the process, ensure repeatability, and reduce human error. Similarly, containerization and orchestration tools like Docker and Kubernetes can help in moving application workloads between environments while maintaining consistency and scalability.

Example Code: Migration with Terraform

Here is an example of how Terraform can be used as part of the migration starter to provision cloud infrastructure on AWS.

provider “aws” {
  region = “us-west-2”

resource “aws_instance” “example” {
  ami           = “ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0”
  instance_type = “t2.micro”
  key_name      = “my-key”

output “instance_ip” {
  value = aws_instance.example.public_ip

This Terraform script provisions an EC2 instance in AWS, which could be part of a broader migration strategy from an on-premise infrastructure to the cloud. The starter phase would involve configuring the right AWS resources, networking configurations, and setting up necessary security groups.

Testing and Validation:

The starter phase also includes creating a comprehensive testing and validation strategy. This should involve verifying that the migrated systems behave as expected, ensuring data consistency, and conducting performance benchmarking. Automated testing frameworks, such as JUnit for Java or pytest for Python, can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines to validate the success of the migration.


The migration starter phase sets the foundation for a smooth transition from legacy systems to modern architectures. By investing in proper assessment, planning, and the use of appropriate tools and strategies, the migration process becomes less risky, more efficient, and better aligned with the future needs of the organization. Software engineers and system architects must carefully consider these factors to ensure the migration is seamless and does not disrupt the system’s overall functionality.

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(Article By : Himanshu N)