Lesson 21 : Advance JQuery

Topic : Deferred Objects and Promises:

1)Introduction to $.Deferred()

2) Managing asynchronous operations with .then(), .catch(), .always()

Deferred Objects and Promises in jQuery

Asynchronous programming is at the core of modern web development. It allows applications to perform tasks like fetching data, handling user interactions, and executing animations without blocking the main thread. In jQuery, Deferred objects and Promises are robust abstractions designed to simplify the management of asynchronous operations. This article provides an in-depth exploration of $.Deferred(), as well as how to manage asynchronous workflows using .then(), .catch(), and .always().

Introduction to $.Deferred()

The $.Deferred() method is a key feature in jQuery, introduced to handle complex asynchronous tasks. It provides a mechanism to register multiple callbacks, track the state of operations, and chain actions upon their completion. This makes it a foundational concept for managing asynchronous programming in a more structured and predictable manner.

What Is a Deferred Object?

A Deferred object is a construct in jQuery that:

1. Represents the state of an asynchronous operation (pending, resolved, or rejected).

2. Allows for the registration of callbacks that execute when the operation completes.

3. Serves as the foundation for Promises in jQuery.

When you invoke $.Deferred(), it creates a Deferred object with methods that facilitate asynchronous workflow control.

Key Methods of a Deferred Object

1. deferred.resolve(): Marks the Deferred object as resolved, executing all done callbacks.

2. deferred.reject(): Marks the Deferred object as rejected, executing all fail callbacks.

3. deferred.promise(): Returns a Promise object linked to the Deferred, ensuring immutability of its state.

4. deferred.done(): Registers a callback to execute when the Deferred resolves.

5. deferred.fail(): Registers a callback to execute when the Deferred rejects.

6. deferred.always(): Registers a callback that runs regardless of the Deferred’s final state.

Example: Creating a Deferred Object

function asyncOperation() {
    const deferred = $.Deferred();

    // Simulating an asynchronous task
    setTimeout(() => {
        const success = Math.random() > 0.5; // Random success or failure
        if (success) {
            deferred.resolve(“Operation succeeded”);
        } else {
            deferred.reject(“Operation failed”);
    }, 1000);

    return deferred.promise(); // Return a Promise for immutability

// Usage
    .done((message) => console.log(“Done:”, message))
    .fail((error) => console.error(“Failed:”, error))
    .always(() => console.log(“Operation completed”));

In this example, asyncOperation() returns a Promise object derived from the Deferred. Based on the outcome of the asynchronous task, it either resolves or rejects.

Managing Asynchronous Operations

Deferred objects and Promises in jQuery work in tandem with methods like .then(), .catch(), and .always() to streamline the handling of asynchronous operations.

1. The .then() Method

The .then() method allows you to attach success and failure callbacks to a Promise. It is commonly used for chaining multiple asynchronous operations in a sequence.


promise.then(successCallback, failureCallback);

Example: Sequential Chaining

function fetchData() {
    return $.Deferred((deferred) => {
        setTimeout(() => deferred.resolve(“Data fetched”), 1000);

function processData(data) {
    return $.Deferred((deferred) => {
        setTimeout(() => deferred.resolve(`${data} processed`), 1000);

    .then((result) => console.log(result))
    .catch((error) => console.error(“Error:”, error));

Here, fetchData and processData are chained using .then(), ensuring a structured flow of dependent operations.

2. The .catch() Method

The .catch() method simplifies error handling by providing a dedicated mechanism for managing rejections in a Promise chain. It eliminates the need to include failure callbacks in .then().



Example: Error Handling

function riskyOperation() {
    return $.Deferred((deferred) => {
        setTimeout(() => deferred.reject(“Something went wrong”), 1000);

    .then((result) => console.log(“Success:”, result))
    .catch((error) => console.error(“Caught error:”, error));

In this example, .catch() ensures centralized handling of errors, improving readability and maintainability.

3. The .always() Method

The .always() method registers a callback that executes regardless of whether the Deferred is resolved or rejected. It is useful for cleanup tasks, like hiding loaders or resetting states.



Example: Finalizing Operations

function simulateOperation() {
    return $.Deferred((deferred) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            Math.random() > 0.5 ? deferred.resolve(“Success”) : deferred.reject(“Failure”);
        }, 1000);

    .then((result) => console.log(“Result:”, result))
    .catch((error) => console.error(“Error:”, error))
    .always(() => console.log(“Operation finalized”));

Here, .always() ensures that the “Operation finalized” message is logged irrespective of the operation’s outcome.

Key Features and Best Practices


1. State Tracking: Deferred objects maintain clear states—pending, resolved, or rejected—providing transparency in workflows.

2. Chaining: Promises facilitate chaining for sequential execution of dependent tasks.

3. Encapsulation: Promises derived from Deferred objects are immutable, ensuring predictable behavior.

Best Practices

1. Return Promises: Always return Promises from functions to enable chaining and maintain immutability.

2. Centralized Error Handling: Use .catch() for consistent error management in Promise chains.

3. Avoid Callback Nesting: Replace deeply nested callbacks with .then() chains for better readability.

4. Use .always() for Cleanup: Leverage .always() to handle post-operation tasks like UI updates.

5. Document State Transitions: Clearly define and document the possible states of Deferred objects for team clarity.


Deferred objects and Promises are indispensable for managing asynchronous workflows in jQuery. By providing methods like .then(), .catch(), and .always(), they empower developers to create structured, readable, and maintainable code. Understanding and applying these abstractions effectively can dramatically improve the reliability and performance of web applications. By adhering to software engineering standards and best practices, developers can unlock the full potential of Deferred objects in their projects.

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