Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) is an agile framework designed to scale Scrum practices across large organizations and teams. It builds upon the core principles of Scrum while providing additional guidelines for coordinating multiple Scrum teams working on the same product. LeSS management focuses on ensuring that these teams work together efficiently, with minimal overhead, while maintaining the key agile values of transparency, inspection, and adaptation.
Core Principles of LeSS Management
1. Empirical Process Control: Like Scrum, LeSS relies on the principles of empirical process control, which means that decision-making is based on observation, experimentation, and feedback. Teams continuously inspect and adapt their work to improve processes and outcomes.
2. Cross-Functional Teams: LeSS emphasizes the importance of having cross-functional teams that possess the necessary skills to deliver all aspects of the product, from development to testing. These teams are self-organizing, meaning they have the autonomy to plan and execute their work within the boundaries of the sprint goal.
3. Transparency: Transparency is a key tenet of LeSS management. Information about the work, processes, and progress is shared openly, which helps teams and stakeholders make informed decisions.
4. Minimal Viable Bureaucracy: While scaling Scrum to large organizations, LeSS avoids introducing unnecessary layers of management or complex processes. Instead, the focus is on keeping the structure as simple as possible to allow teams to work efficiently.
5. Simplicity: LeSS encourages simplicity both in product development and process management. Complexity is minimized to help teams focus on delivering value and iterating based on feedback from customers and stakeholders.
Roles in LeSS Management
Product Owner (PO): In LeSS, there is typically a single Product Owner for the entire product, who is responsible for managing the product backlog and aligning the work of all teams with the product vision.
Scrum Master: LeSS has one Scrum Master who works with the entire group of teams, ensuring that Scrum practices are being followed, facilitating coordination, and removing any organizational impediments.
Development Teams: Each Scrum team in LeSS is responsible for delivering a portion of the product. These teams are self-organizing, cross-functional, and work on the same product backlog.
LeSS Framework Example
In a typical LeSS setup, multiple Scrum teams work together on the same product backlog, producing increments during the same sprint. A schematic representation of LeSS management might look like this:
+————————+ +————————+
| Product Owner | | Product Owner |
+————————+ +————————+
| |
| Overall Product Backlog |
| |
+————————+ +————————+ +————————+
| Team A (Scrum) | | Team B (Scrum) | | Team C (Scrum) |
| (Development Team) | | (Development Team) | | (Development Team) |
+————————+ +————————+ +————————+
Boilerplate Code Example for LeSS Backlog Prioritization
class ProductBacklog:
def __init__(self):
self.backlog_items = []
def add_item(self, title, priority):
self.backlog_items.append({“title”: title, “priority”: priority})
def get_items(self):
return sorted(self.backlog_items, key=lambda x: x[‘priority’])
def display_backlog(self):
print(“Product Backlog Items:”)
for item in self.get_items():
print(f”Title: {item[‘title’]} | Priority: {item[‘priority’]}”)
# Example Usage
backlog = ProductBacklog()
backlog.add_item(“User Login”, 1)
backlog.add_item(“Payment Integration”, 3)
backlog.add_item(“User Profile”, 2)
LeSS management is an agile approach that allows organizations to scale Scrum effectively across multiple teams. By focusing on transparency, simplicity, and coordination, LeSS ensures that large teams can still operate as a unified entity, delivering value quickly and efficiently. Through practices like having a single Product Owner, minimizing bureaucracy, and empowering teams with autonomy, LeSS fosters an environment where scaling agile principles leads to better collaboration, faster delivery, and higher-quality products.
LeSS Management
agile leadership Agile methodology agile practices Agile project management agile scaling agile transformation continuous improvement cross-functional teams iterative development large-scale agile large-scale Scrum LeSS framework LeSS implementation LeSS management LeSS principles LeSS vs SAFe organizational agility product development scaling agile Scrum adoption Scrum at scale Scrum coaching Scrum framework Scrum teams team autonomy Team Collaboration