JQuery : Advance Course

Advanced and Comprehensive jQuery Syllabus

This syllabus is designed to provide a thorough understanding of jQuery, from foundational concepts to advanced techniques. It is intended for developers with basic knowledge of JavaScript who want to master the jQuery library and its applications in web development.

Module 1: Introduction to jQuery

What is jQuery?: Understanding its purpose and benefits

Lesson 1

jQuery vs Vanilla JavaScript: Comparative analysis of DOM manipulation efficiency

Lesson 2

Downloading and Including jQuery:

jQuery CDN vs Local Installation

Lesson 3

Compatibility with different browsers and versions

Lesson 4

Basic Syntax Overview: Understanding the $ function and ready event ($(document).ready())

Lesson 5

Module 2: DOM Traversal and Manipulation

DOM Selection:

Universal (*) and specific selectors

Attribute-based selection ($(“[attribute=value]”))

Hierarchical selectors (parent, child, sibling)

Lesson 6

DOM Traversal Methods:

.parent(), .children(), .siblings(), .closest()

.find() vs .filter()

Lesson 7

DOM Manipulation:

Modifying content: .html(), .text(), .val(), .attr()

Adding/removing elements: .append(), .prepend(), .after(), .before(), .remove()

Cloning and replacing nodes: .clone(), .replaceWith()

Lesson 8

Module 3: Events and Event Handling

Event Binding and Delegation:

.on(), .off() methods

Difference between direct and delegated event handling

Lesson 9

Common Event Types:

Mouse events (click, dblclick, hover, mouseenter, mouseleave)

Keyboard events (keydown, keyup, keypress)

Form events (submit, change, focus, blur)

Lesson 10

Preventing Default Behavior and Propagation:

.preventDefault(), .stopPropagation()

Custom Events: Creating and triggering custom events using .trigger()

Lesson 11

Module 4: jQuery Effects and Animations

Basic Effects:

.show(), .hide(), .toggle()

.fadeIn(), .fadeOut(), .fadeToggle(), .fadeTo()

Lesson 12

Sliding Effects:

.slideUp(), .slideDown(), .slideToggle()

Lesson 13

Custom Animations:

The .animate() method for advanced effects

Controlling animation speed and easing functions

Chaining animations

Lesson 14

Stopping and Managing Animations:

.stop(), .finish(), .queue(), .dequeue()

Lesson 15

Module 5: jQuery AJAX and JSON Handling

Introduction to AJAX in jQuery:

Synchronous vs Asynchronous communication

Overview of AJAX methods: .ajax(), .get(), .post(), .load()

Lesson 16

AJAX Options and Callbacks:

success, error, complete, beforeSend

Timeout settings and caching

Lesson 17

Working with JSON Data:

Sending and receiving JSON

Parsing JSON responses using $.parseJSON()

Lesson 18

AJAX Error Handling:

Handling HTTP status codes

.fail(), .done(), .always() chaining methods

Lesson 19

Module 6: Advanced jQuery Techniques

jQuery Plugins:

Understanding and using third-party plugins

Creating custom plugins: Extending the $.fn object

Lesson 20

Deferred Objects and Promises:

Introduction to $.Deferred()

Managing asynchronous operations with .then(), .catch(), .always()

Lesson 21

Dynamic Content Management:

Template rendering

Managing real-time updates with AJAX and WebSockets

Lesson 22

jQuery and Accessibility (ARIA):

Enhancing user experience with ARIA attributes

Best practices for keyboard and screen reader support

Lesson 23

Module 7: jQuery Utilities and Performance Optimization

Utility Functions:

$.each(), $.map(), $.extend()

Data handling: $.isArray(), $.isFunction(), $.isEmptyObject()

Parsing utilities: $.parseHTML(), $.parseXML()

Lesson 24

Performance Best Practices:

Avoiding unnecessary DOM manipulations

Event delegation vs direct binding

Caching jQuery selectors

Minimizing reflows and repaints

Lesson 25

Browser Compatibility and Fallbacks:

Polyfills for older browsers

Testing for feature support

Lesson 26

Module 8: Testing, Debugging, and Real-World Applications

Debugging jQuery Code:

Using browser developer tools

Common pitfalls and troubleshooting tips

Lesson 27

Automated Testing:

Integrating with frameworks like Jasmine or QUnit

Lesson 28

Real-World Applications:

Form validation with jQuery

Dynamic UI interactions: accordions, modals, carousels

Using jQuery with APIs and back-end systems

Lesson 29