HTML window event attributes are used to handle browser-level events like loading, resizing, scrolling, and user interactions with the browser window. These attributes enable developers to build dynamic and responsive web applications by listening to changes or user actions.
Below is a list of all HTML window event attributes, along with concise explanations and code examples.
1. onafterprint – After Print Dialog
Triggered after the print dialog is closed.
<body onafterprint=”notifyAfterPrint()”>
function notifyAfterPrint() {
alert(“Printing completed!”);
Use Case: Reset UI elements after printing.
2. onbeforeprint – Before Print Dialog
Triggered before the print dialog appears.
<body onbeforeprint=”prepareForPrint()”>
function prepareForPrint() {
alert(“Preparing content for printing.”);
Use Case: Adjust layout for printing.
3. onbeforeunload – Before Page Unload
Triggered when the user attempts to leave the page.
<body onbeforeunload=”confirmExit()”>
function confirmExit() {
return “Are you sure you want to leave this page?”;
Use Case: Warn users about unsaved changes.
4. onerror – Error Handling
Triggered when an error occurs in the document.
<body onerror=”handleError(event)”>
function handleError(event) {
console.error(“An error occurred:”, event.message);
Use Case: Log and debug errors.
5. onhashchange – URL Hash Changed
Triggered when the URL hash changes.
<body onhashchange=”handleHashChange()”>
function handleHashChange() {
alert(“Hash value changed!”);
Use Case: Update content based on hash changes.
6. onload – Page Loaded
Triggered when the page finishes loading.
<body onload=”initPage()”>
function initPage() {
console.log(“Page fully loaded!”);
Use Case: Initialize scripts or UI components after the page is loaded.
7. onmessage – Message Received
Triggered when the window receives a message.
<body onmessage=”receiveMessage(event)”>
function receiveMessage(event) {
console.log(“Message received:”,;
Use Case: Handle inter-window communication.
8. onoffline – Offline Mode Detected
Triggered when the browser goes offline.
<body onoffline=”notifyOffline()”>
function notifyOffline() {
alert(“You are now offline.”);
Use Case: Notify users about network disconnection.
9. ononline – Online Mode Detected
Triggered when the browser regains an internet connection.
<body ononline=”notifyOnline()”>
function notifyOnline() {
alert(“You are back online.”);
Use Case: Inform users about restored connectivity.
10. onpagehide – Page Hidden
Triggered when the user navigates away from the page.
<body onpagehide=”handlePageHide()”>
function handlePageHide() {
console.log(“Page is now hidden.”);
Use Case: Save the application state before leaving the page.
11. onpageshow – Page Shown
Triggered when the user navigates to the page.
<body onpageshow=”handlePageShow()”>
function handlePageShow() {
console.log(“Page is now visible.”);
Use Case: Restore the application state when the page becomes visible.
12. onpopstate – Browser History Changed
Triggered when the active history entry changes.
<body onpopstate=”handlePopState(event)”>
function handlePopState(event) {
console.log(“History state changed:”, event.state);
Use Case: Update content dynamically when navigating browser history.
13. onresize – Window Resized
Triggered when the browser window is resized.
<body onresize=”handleResize()”>
function handleResize() {
console.log(“Window resized to:”, window.innerWidth, “x”, window.innerHeight);
Use Case: Adjust layout or reload components based on screen size.
14. onscroll – Window Scrolled
Triggered when the user scrolls the page.
<body onscroll=”handleScroll()”>
function handleScroll() {
console.log(“Scroll position:”, window.scrollY);
Use Case: Implement infinite scrolling or lazy loading.
15. onstorage – Web Storage Updated
Triggered when local or session storage is updated.
<body onstorage=”handleStorageChange(event)”>
function handleStorageChange(event) {
console.log(“Storage key changed:”, event.key);
Use Case: Synchronize state across tabs.
16. onunload – Page Unloaded
Triggered when the page is about to be unloaded.
<body onunload=”cleanup()”>
function cleanup() {
console.log(“Page is unloading. Cleaning up resources.”);
Use Case: Save data or terminate background processes.
HTML window event attributes allow developers to monitor and respond to browser-level interactions, enabling a richer user experience. These attributes are vital for building responsive and interactive web applications. By leveraging the examples above, you can implement dynamic behaviors tailored to user actions and system events.
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