Category: IT
Dockers is a container standard maintained by OSI (open source initiates), docker client uses docker API to connect to the docker daemon which does all the heavy lifting. The docker daemon will host docker images which are pulled up from the docker registry. The containers will be running on docker images which are lightweight machine images. Docker client –> API –>docker daemon –>docker image -Container The…
Data Normalization
Data normalization is the way to store data in an OLTP system, the normalization needs to be (an ACID-compliant transaction). Data normalization will result in high consistency and low data redundancy. The 3NF which is the 3rd normalization form is being leveraged widely. Data normalization will reduce redundancy and will enhance Data integrity and consistency, Data normalization process will ensure tables are optimized to…
SDLC Security Posture
Be it infra, network, or hardware endpoints all of it needs to be protected and secured hence it is very important to adapt to a strong SDLC security posture. With the help of a strong security posture, the enterprise and its endpoints can be secured and protected from black hat entities. A tested and pragmatic security strategy with efficient implementation is what enterprises…
The register is the smaller memory unit, which holds data during processing. The register holds data, physical addresses, instructions, operands, and character values. The register holds data and instructions for real-time processing. Registers hold data that the CPU is processing. The instructions stored in the register will go through processing, eg the value stored in two registers can be added via add operations,…
Designing Phase
The designing phase is the second phase of SDLC where the UX and Dev team along with the business team/sponsors decide the look and feel of the front end and back end of the software infra. The deliverables in front end designing phase will be different from the deliverables in back end designing phase, the backend needs to be designed as well via diagramming and designing frameworks like UML…
EDA (Event Driven Architecture)
The Event driven Architecture of software solutions is based on event production, event streaming, and even consumption. The events produced in EDA are streamed to be consumed by the event consumer. Event producers will produce the events and the events will be streamed via a streaming pipeline to be consumed by the event consumer. Events in EDA are of multiple types and formats and a…
WaterFall SDLC
Waterfall SDLC is one of the most primitive software developmentlife cycle management process, since its inception many other models like scrum, V shape model etc have evolved, but till this data if linear development needs to be undertaken then waterfall model is one of the best way to carry out software development. Waterfall model is…
SDLC at Enterprise Level
SDLC at Enterprise Level is a process that involves lot of human resources, it has many stages, the first stage is the requirement analysis, the second is the designing and the third is the development phase which is the crux of SDLC. In development phase the front end code will be developed by the front…
File System
The files can be stored in the PUBLIC CLOUD | PRIVATE CLOUD | ON-PREM. The file system is leveraged to keep the file organized and accessible. The file can be stored in a flat file system along with this multiple other file systems can be leveraged for file storage and retrieval .The file systems are…
In computer system the cache memory is used to store temporary files / data, which will be used frequently, the cache memory is expensive as compared to another types of persistence storage. Data that is used frequently is stored in cache memory. The cache works in 3 levels: L1 Cache – Fastest SpeedL2 Cache –…
ACID Compliance & Transactions
ACID TRANSACTION refers to atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability. ACID transactions are implemented globally across all high performance, highly available, highly consistent and mission critical systems like banking, government processes, business process, healthcare processes and much more. ACID Database Transactions ensure consistency and availability during errors, power failure, system failure and network errors. Acid transaction…
OLAP is for analytics processing and OLTP is for Transaction processing. OLAP & OLTP are integrated at enterprise level in order to process transactions and analyze analytics. OLAP (Online analytics processing systems) online analytics processing, OLAP is for managing analytics workload, the output is analytics processed via algos, it is read heavy in nature, OLAP…
Array & Linked List
Array is a data structure in which elements are stored in continuous memory location (memory representation ), continues allocation of elements takes place in arrays, Linked list consist of Data and Reference. Array has random access permissions and Link list has sequential access permissions. Both Array & Linked List organizes data differently. Insertion and deletion process…
API Management
The API needs to be optimized and managed in the right way to ensure efficiency, scalablity and cost-effective operations of API infra. The client API DEV PORTAL will be connected to the API SERVERS via CLIENT ID and CLIENT SECRET which will be provided by the cloud and api vendors. Client will connect through API…
ALU (Arithmetic Logical Unit)
ALU full form is arithmetic logical unit, all the mathematical and logical operations are carried out by ALU. ALU is a combinational digital circuit which performs the following ops: Arithmetic operations | Bit-wise Operations | Logical Operations In order to carry out floating point operations, the floating point unit is leveraged. In order to carry…
No Code Platforms
No code platforms ensures that the website idea can be easily translated into a back-end and front end web/mobile infra which can be consumed by user base at scale. The web development can be categorized into front end and back end web development, in order to develop websites, both front end developer and back end…