Category: IT
Php (hypertext processor)
Php (hypertext processor) is a backed high-level language that is implemented as a back-end infrastructure to carry out back-end operations. The PHP package manager is called COMPOSER. Composer contains packages that are utilized to carry out php-based development activities. Php is a general-purpose scripting language that is leveraged to develop web infrastructure. It offers both procedural and object-oriented approaches. Major implementation…
Node.js is a Javascript runtime which is open source in nature. The node.js has both front-end and back-end capabilities; it runs on a Javascript V8 engine. Node.js is developed by OPEN JS FOUNDATION and since its inception, it has dropped many releases. Its initial release was in the year 2009. It is advised to check the official website to get more information…
Distributed System
A distributed system is a big network of computing systems that are connected via the World Wide Web. The distributed network consists of servers and systems that are connected through a networking mechanism, it can be a World Wide Web, and it can be Radio frequency-based private networking systems. The distributed system can be homogeneous or heterogeneous. The computers and servers will be communicating with each other through private internet…
API Gateway and Web servers integration
The API gateways are connected with caching layer, CDN layer, and the load balancers. API GATEWAY’s job is to provide a gateway for all types of web based and protocol specific traffic. API Gateway and Web servers needs to be tightly coupled in a distributed system. API gateways will be connected with a load balancer, the load balance will transfer the…
MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
MAN is called a metropolitan area network and it is a subset of WAN, the coverage area of MAN is lesser than WAN but more than LAN, LAN is a subset of MAN, MAN has multiple devices connected, LAN Range and proximity is way smaller than WAN, MAN is a complex and sophisticated in nature, maintenance, and development of…
Running Code
Code execution is a complex process and during the code compilation and interpretation encountering errors and exceptions is a highly probable event, hence making the exceptions and errors more detailed helps in better trouble shooting and code rectification. Running Code can be complex process if not organized well via leveraging version control and IDEs. It is always better to…
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
SEO is the most important aspect of the website that needs to be taken care of in order to publish the website globally. The website needs to be search engine optimized in order to attract organic traffic. Search engine optimization has to be carried out in order to be acknowledged by the top search engines. With the…
IPV6 (Internet protocol version 6)
The IPV6 is an addressing mode just like IPV4 but with many added features and way more addresses (Trillions of addresses). The IPV6 is designed keeping in mind the limited amount of IPV4 ADDRESSES AVAILABLE, IPV6 COMES WITH ADDITIONAL ADDRESSES AND MORE SECURITY UPGRADES. IPV6 is based on NDP and comes with IPSEC integration. IPV6 IS BASED ON 128 BIT…
Hybrid App Development
Hybrid app development is a process of developing cross-platform apps for multiple OS with a single code base, in a hybrid app single code base needs to be developed and maintained. With the same source code, multiple versions of apps compatible with specific Operating systems will be rendered. The point is to reduce the development, testing, and designing overheard and just centralize the whole…
HLD (distributed system)
The HLD (high-level diagram) in a distributed system is a high-level visualization of the underlying components that needs to be connected with first-party and third-party systems in order to make the distributed system operational. Business Requirement Documents, system requirements specification documents, and technical requirements specifications documents are analyzed by the project managers, solution architects, and system designers to render High-level designs which needs to be baselined…
SSL Termination in API Gateway
SSL termination is a process of decrypting the encrypted SSL TRAFFIC and transforming heavy HTTPS packets into lighter HTTP packets. It is job of the web server to offload the SSL traffic but instead of relying upon the web server computational capabilities, API GATEWAYS takes care of SSL TERMINATION. Denser SSL Traffic via HTTPS protocol…
OS Kernel
OS Kernel can be referred to as the heart and brain of the OS, the kernel is the core program OS is based upon, the kernel resides in the memory of the hardware (HARD DISK) and is responsible for booting and spinning up the servers, the kernel is a bridge between the hardware and software components. The kernel is responsible for controlling,…
LAN (local area network) is a set of devices that are connected with each other locally, LAN can be established via ETHERNET and WIFI, and LAN SERVERS CAN BE CONNECTED AND SYNCHRONIZED WITH EACH OTHER via LAN CLIENTS. LAN consists of devices that are clustered together in a physical layer, LAN doesn’t cover large geographical areas like…
GraphQL (Graph Query Language)
GraphQL is a data query and manipulation language. Data overhead is low in GraphQL as it is a query-driven standardized API format hence it is much faster and offers lower latency than the restful APIs. The use case of GraphQL is when the precise and targeted data needs to be retrieved at a faster pace.GraphQL is a query runtime engine and needs both the…
Css (Cascading Style Sheet)
CSS is a front-end scripting language that is needed to present any HTML document in a user-friendly way, HTML can only render very basic GUI but with CSS integration the GUI can be highly interactive, highly functional, highly usable, and highly refined, with the right usage of css the webpages can assume lucidity, better readability and usability. CSS is a…
HTML full form is a hypertext markup language, which can be referred to as the markup Language of the web, all the webpages that we use on a day-to-day basis are based on and coded in HTML, but it is not only HTML which is rendering the whole page, HTML is integrated with technologies like Css and Js to make it stylized,…
Low Level Languages
Low level languages have low-level access to system software and hardware components hence execution of instruction can be done in a low level of abstraction. Low level programs are close to hardware as compared to high-level language, low-level memory access is the main feature of low-level language along with low-level hardware/software access. Low level language needs to be converted to machine code to be…
COMPILER is a program that carries out source code translation at a go, it is a translator which will compile/translate the whole source code into machine code/ executable code at once. A compiler will translate the high-level language code into machine code before the program runs and will generate an executable which can be directly…
The interpreter is a program that carries out source code translation line by line, it translates High-level code into machine code line by line, the interpreter is a line-by-line translator. The interpreter is procedural and sequential as it carries out the translation line by line and will highlight the error on per line basis. Interpreter code execution time is higher, due…
CMD Networking Utilities
CMD networking utilities (CUI) are leveraged to carry out networking activities and network administration tasks, here are the few most used CMD networking utilities. Ipconfig –> Display IP/TCP network config values & refresh DNS and DHCP. ipconfig/all –> Provides IP Config data. ipconfig/release -> Released all the IP CONNECTIONS. ipconfig /renew -> renewing new IP ADDRESSES in the system. ipconfig/allcompartments -> Will display all…
Amazon EC2 (Computing Instance)
Amazon EC2 is a popular computing instance service that has been around for decades. EC2 can be called the elastic cloud as it is a scalable, resizable computing capacity offered by AWS to handle (Simple to complex, Workloads). AWS EC2 provides a highly secure computing infrastructure. AWS EC2 is feature-loaded and offers quick integration with both first-party and third-party services. AWS EC2…
Data Pipeline and Data Management
The data pipeline consists of a data producer, data processor, and data consumer, the data producer will produce the data and the data consumer will consume the data and the transfer of data between them will be carried out via the data pipeline. Data Pipeline and Data Management is very vital for data organization. The data pipeline process includes: DATA is cleaned | Data…
Bluetooth is a communication standard that assists in sharing data over small distances, Bluetooth-connected devices or Bluetooth device clusters are part of PAN (PERSONAL AREA NETWORK). Bluetooth is utilized in all forms of application, the devices need to be paired to transfer data and communicate with each other. Bluetooth devices are paired with just a few clicks via a GUI-based authentication mechanism. The device pairing is…
E-commerce, electronic commerce is a modern digital business process of selling and buying. Digital commerce is a trillion-dollar space, as the major e-commerce giants are worth 100s of billions of dollars, the commercial activities carried out digitally are referred to as e-commerce. The digitized and standardized form of electronic commerce is referred to as E-commerce. E-commerce transactions worldwide have a…
VPS and Virtualization
VPS are virtual servers with dedicated IP ADDRESSES that are hosted on BARE-METAL devices, many virtual servers can be created with the power of TYPE 1 and TYPE 2 Virtualization. VPS are created via type1 and type 2 virtualization. The virtual machine will host machine images, and the machine image will consume CPU and MEMORY resources. VPS are highly customizable, portable, and…
ICMP is a network layer protocol (IP layer protocol). ICMP is for IPV4 and is defined in RFC 92. ICMP for IPV6 is defined in RFC 4443. The Structure of ICMP is : TYPE | CODE | CHECKSUM | CONTENT (header of ICMP) ICMP is leveraged for diagnostic and control purposes. Many command line utilities are based on ICMP, ICMP is the network protocol…
EM Waves
Electromagnetic waves are referred to as EM waves. EM waves are transverse waves, EM waves are the propagation of the electric and magnetic field. The EM spectrum includes EM with variable wavelengths : AM | FM | Infrared | UV | Visible | X RAY | Gama Ray | Many types of waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Charged particles (electrons…
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
ARP is an address resolution protocol, The ARP protocol is utilized to resolve IP to MAC ADDRESS. (ARP maps IP and MAC) ARP request is sent | ARP response is received. ARP operates in the data-link layer and network layer. IP -> Network layer protocol and addressing MAC —> Data– layer addressing The devices whose IP ARP is looking will be sent via…
WIFI (Wireless Tech)
Wifi is referred to as wireless technology, the majority of the devices around us are controlled with the help of WIFI. The mobile phone and computers are connected to WIFI VIA NICs (network interface cards). Primarily modern devices are based on wireless tech because wire can be a bit cumbersome and in complex situations can result in BAD CABLE MANAGEMENT. Wifi is clearly defined in IEEE STANDARDS. WIFI…
Laravel (PHP MVC)
Laraval is PHP MVC (model view code ) based Framework, coding in Laravel makes (PHP CODE DEVELOPMENT) which is a user-friendly process. Laravel is the most popular PHP MVC-based framework and has been in the industry for more than a decade. All the major enterprises are carrying out PHP-based development activities by integrating Laravel into their tech stacks. Laravel descriptiveness, expressiveness, and elegant syntax provide an interactive,…
Logic Gates
Logic gates perform logical functions, logic gates are the fundamental part of digital logical circuits and are the basic building blocks of digital systems, logical gates carry out logical operations. Logical Functions utilizes diodes / transistors for electronic switching. Logic gates uses transistors and diodes which acts as electrical switches, the voltage will be passed…
IDE (Integrated Dev Env)
The IDE can be called the INTEGRATED DEV ENVIRONMENT, it is where all the development activities take place, it can be cloud-based or it can be local. IDE has support for all the high-level languages be it the front-end or back-end languages. The developers can just compile the code from the console and can carry out I/O ops, find errors, throw exceptions, and much more. The choice of IDE is limited, popular vendors…
Lamp stack is a full stack development suit that is leveraged to build WEBSITES. LAMP is a full-stack development solution that has integrated front-end and back-end capabilities. FRONT END TECH: HTML, CSS, js, pre-processors, ps, ai, react BACK END TECH: PHP, node.js The lamp stack has both a web server and a database server. GUI-based cpanel is used to operate and manage LAMP SERVERS. Both GUI-based…
WebRTC full form of web real-time communication, it is a web-based real-time communication protocol, and RTC enables web apps to stream audio/video media over the internet. RTC over the web is called webRTC. WebRTC can perform DATA SHARING and TELECONFERENCING in a peer-to-peer fashion. WebRTC works in tandem and synchronized way with OSI PROTOCOL STACKS and APIS. WebRTC is integrated with MEDIA APPs and…
Hardware Cables
Hardware cables are the wired format of connecting two or more hardware devices via Physical layer. Hardware cables are part of WIRED TECHNOLOGY DOMAIN. Fiber optics provides very high bandwidth ranging up-to 100 mbps (100 BASES FX —> FIBER CHANNEL). After the prescribed limit the signal will start to attenuate, each cable type has its…
Graphic Card
A graphic card is a chipset that is integrated with the motherboard to render HD GRAPHICS to high-definition monitors like LED, OLED, Super AMOLED, and more, along with graphic rendering on the screen, the Graphic card is utilized for video rendering, video processing, ultra high definition streaming, game rendering, simulations rendering, high computation graphics processing, high…
Both RESTFUL and GraphQL are the most implemented API technologies globally, here are the major differences between them. RESTFUL API GRAPHQL API : Diagram The article above is rendered by integrating outputs of 1 HUMAN AGENT & 3 AI AGENTS, an amalgamation of HGI and AI to serve technology education globally. (Article By : Himanshu…
The user interface can be graphic-based which is called GUI and it can be character-based called CUI, below are the key differences between the two. GUI and CUI are vital part of HCI. Graphic User Interface : Character User Interface : Cmd is CUI and any application on the web and mobile is GUI, both are leveraged to satisfy specific use cases. Diagram The article above is rendered by…
HCI as the name suggests deals with how humans interact with computers. If we look at the current tech scenario, humans are interacting with computers via Graphic user interface and Command line interface. The GUI is visual and textual, and CLI is only textual. The command line interface is a more complex approach for the user to connect with the computer. (CLI usage will…
Google Maps
Google maps platform is leveraged by enterprises to map access and integrate highly efficient, low latency, and reliable map services at scale. Google Maps services come under the GOOGLE MAP PLATFORM. Google map coverage is 99 percent of the world’s. It is the highest coverage provided by any private organization for enterprise usage. Google Maps is…
Text Data Compression
TEXT DATA The human-readable linguistic character sets are converted to binary for being processed by the CPU, which means all the characters that humans are converted to base 2. The character encoding can be hexa-based but in the end, all that data will be converted to base 2 binary format. Text data compression is lossless in nature. A-Z are 8-bit binary combinations, which are passed as binary…
WASM (web assembly)
WASM is leveraged to run (HIGHLY COMPLEX APPLICATION) on THE WEB, the WASM provides the compilation target where complex applications like HD games, Photo editor, and video editor can Run on Compilation Target. WASM is a compilation target for programming languages, currently, it supports lots of popular languages. Web assembly provides a sandboxed execution environment. Applications that are written in C, C+, and JAVA programing languages need a compiler…
UTF is a character encoding standard that has been integrated into digital communication, character code is very vital for any form of textual/visual digital communication, without character code schema the browser / applications will not be able to render the web page in the original format and language. UTF is defined by Unicode standards, the name is derived from universal coded character set transformation format –…
PAN (Personal Area Network)
PAN refers to a personal area network. The coverage area of PAN is lowest as compared to LAN, PAN is aligned with personal computing and personal networking. The Bluetooth connection which is leveraged to connect computing devices with peripherals is one of the examples of PAN. PAN is a personalized network and has a lower range than LAN but a higher range than BAN. The…
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
TCP is the layer 4 networking protocol of the OSI model, TCP is responsible for the networking capabilities, both TCP and UDP are placed in the LAYER 4 OSI MODEL, TCP sends packets across the internet and makes sure that the packets are transferred securely, consistently and efficiently. TCP connection is established by 2 servers and once the TCP session is established, DATA packets can be sent across TCP. TCP leverages the THREE…
Database as a Service : Dbaas
Database as a service is a type of cloud-based service, that provides database instances on demand, the end user can run database-driven (storage workloads) via integrating Dbaas. The data can be structured,semi-structural, and object storage. The Dbaas provides an interface for all kinds of database-driven operations. The MYSQL – Postgres – NOSQL – MongoDB and the DB drivers are available via…
Pen-testing : Info-gathering, Payload Delivery, Port-scanning
The process of penetration testing of a system is called pen-testing, port-scanning is a process that scans the ports of the system, and Info-gathering is the process of gathering information about the system. Servers have ports that run services and these services need to communicate with other ports to achieve computation/storage/data transfer/communication-based tasks. All the servers are assigned with port numbers, major ports are…
CPU is the central processing unit, these are the basic set of components to which the CPU is connected. All the above-mentioned systems are connected with the CPU and work in coordination to carry out execute fetch cycle at high speed, precession, and reliability. CU -> CU is a component that is a sub-system of the CPU, the control unit carries out instruction execution…
CPU Utilization
CPU utilization refers to the amount of CPU that is utilized to execute tasks assigned by the OS, the tasks are assigned via APPLICATION PROGRAM and SYSTEM PROGRAM, which are hosted by the OS. CPU utilization is a metric that provides the usage data of CPU resources, CPU utilization is directly proportional to the computational tasks, the higher the computational task, the higher the CPU…
Data Management
The set of processes, protocols, and rules involved in managing data, securing data, and generating value from data is termed data management. The data management can be divided into 11 key areas: 1) Data governance : |data assets | data trustee| data subject | data steward | data ethics | data customization | The policies, rules, protocol, and…
I/O systems are required to communicate with the computer, without an I/O system the end user will not be able to get the desired output or add input. Hardware Drivers are the nexus between the Hardware devices sitting at the physical layer and the OS sitting at the software layer. Hardware Devices –> Hardware Drivers -> I/O Ops (Software Level) All the devices be it…
API GATEWAY is a gateway where all the application traffic is routed before the traffic hits the web server or cache layer, all the application traffic will be routed via API GATEWAY. API GATEWAYS are connected to APP servers, CDNS, DNS servers, API Servers, Data centers, Private cloud, On-prem, and many more components in the public and private domain. All the major websites (Major…