Assuming Roles in Identity Access Management

In AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), assuming roles allows entities (users, applications, or services) to temporarily gain access to resources with a specific set of permissions. This practice enhances security by adhering to the principle of least privilege and facilitates cross-account or intra-account access management. Below is a comprehensive guide to implementing role assumption in AWS IAM.

1. Prerequisites

1. IAM Permissions: Ensure that the IAM entity (user or service) has sts:AssumeRole permissions.

2. Roles: A pre-existing IAM role with a defined trust policy.

3. AWS CLI or SDK: AWS Command Line Interface or SDK installed for execution.

2. Create an IAM Role

1. Access IAM Console:

Navigate to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM Dashboard.

2. Create a New Role:

Click Roles in the left-hand navigation pane, then select Create Role.

3. Specify Trusted Entity:

Choose the type of trusted entity:

AWS Service for services like Lambda or EC2.

Another AWS Account for cross-account access.

4. Define Trusted Policy:

Specify the AWS account or service allowed to assume the role. Example for cross-account access:

  “Version”: “2012-10-17”, 
  “Statement”: [ 
      “Effect”: “Allow”, 
      “Principal”: { 
        “AWS”: “arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root” 
      “Action”: “sts:AssumeRole” 

5. Attach Policies:

Assign permissions to the role by attaching managed or custom policies (e.g., AmazonS3FullAccess).

6. Review and Create:

Name the role and finalize its creation.

3. Assume the Role Using AWS CLI

1. Retrieve Role ARN:

Locate the role’s Amazon Resource Name (ARN) from the IAM Console.

2. Assume Role:
Use the following command to assume the role:

aws sts assume-role –role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyRoleName –role-session-name MySessionName

3. Store Temporary Credentials:
The response will include temporary Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, and Session Token. Example output:

    “Credentials”: { 
        “AccessKeyId”: “AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE”, 
        “SecretAccessKey”: “wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY”, 
        “SessionToken”: “FQoDYXdz…EXAMPLETOKEN” 

4. Export Credentials:
Temporarily set the credentials in your CLI environment:


4. Validate Access

1. Run an AWS Command:
Verify the assumed role’s permissions with a test command, such as listing S3 buckets:

aws s3 ls

2. Revoke Session:
Temporary credentials expire automatically. Alternatively, terminate sessions by revoking tokens in the AWS Management Console if required.


Assuming roles in IAM empowers secure and flexible access control, ideal for cross-account setups, delegation, or service-specific permissions. By utilizing STS (Security Token Service) effectively, you enhance the scalability and security posture of your AWS infrastructure.

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(Article By : Himanshu N)