Schema, Tabels & Datatypes : DDL Queries in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, Data Definition Language (DDL) queries are essential for structuring and managing the database schema. These queries define, modify, and delete database objects such as schemas, tables, and datatypes. Understanding the power and flexibility of DDL in PostgreSQL is crucial for database administrators and developers, as it allows for efficient schema design, data integrity, and performance optimization. This article explores advanced DDL concepts in PostgreSQL, focusing on schema creation, table structures, and data types, offering actionable insights for creating robust database designs.

1. Schemas in PostgreSQL: Organizing Database Objects

A schema in PostgreSQL is a namespace that holds database objects such as tables, views, indexes, and functions. Schemas help organize and manage objects within a database, preventing naming conflicts and providing a logical structure. Creating schemas is fundamental in multi-tenant applications or when organizing large datasets into distinct logical groups.

To create a schema, use the CREATE SCHEMA statement:


This query creates a sales schema and assigns it to the user admin_user. Schemas provide a powerful means of structuring databases and controlling access, as each schema can have its own set of permissions.

2. Tables in PostgreSQL: Structuring Data

Tables are the building blocks of a database. In PostgreSQL, creating a table involves defining the columns and their respective data types, constraints, and other properties that ensure data integrity. PostgreSQL supports a wide variety of table types, including regular tables, temporary tables, and unlogged tables, each optimized for different use cases.

Creating a basic table involves specifying column names, data types, and constraints:

CREATE TABLE employees (
    employee_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    salary DECIMAL(15, 2) CHECK (salary > 0),
    department_id INT,
    FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES departments(department_id)

In this example, the employees table is created with columns for employee_id, name, hire_date, salary, and a foreign key reference to the departments table. The SERIAL datatype is used for auto-incrementing primary keys, while the CHECK constraint ensures that salaries are positive.

3. Advanced Table Constraints

PostgreSQL offers a broad range of advanced constraints that can be applied to tables to enforce business rules and maintain data integrity. These include UNIQUE, CHECK, NOT NULL, REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY through FOREIGN KEY, and EXCLUSION constraints.

For example, you can enforce a unique constraint across multiple columns with:

CREATE TABLE products (
    product_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    product_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    category_id INT NOT NULL,
    UNIQUE (product_name, category_id)

This query ensures that no two products in the same category can have the same name. Such constraints are vital for maintaining data consistency and preventing anomalies.

4. Datatypes in PostgreSQL: Ensuring Data Precision

PostgreSQL offers a rich set of data types, including numeric, character, date/time, boolean, and geometric types. Understanding the appropriate choice of data types is vital to ensure efficient storage, retrieval, and data validation.

Numeric Types: PostgreSQL supports various numeric data types, including INTEGER, BIGINT, DECIMAL, and NUMERIC. For financial applications, DECIMAL and NUMERIC are preferred due to their ability to store exact numeric values with fixed precision and scale.

CREATE TABLE transactions (
    transaction_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    amount DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL

Character Types: PostgreSQL provides CHAR, VARCHAR, and TEXT for storing character strings. For fixed-length strings, CHAR is used, while VARCHAR is more flexible. TEXT is used for longer variable-length strings.

CREATE TABLE customers (
    customer_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL

Date/Time Types: PostgreSQL offers DATE, TIMESTAMP, TIME, and INTERVAL to handle date and time data. For example, TIMESTAMP is ideal for storing precise date and time values.

    order_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,

Boolean Type: PostgreSQL supports a BOOLEAN type, which stores TRUE, FALSE, and NULL values. This is particularly useful for flags or status fields.

    is_completed BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE

Array and JSON Types: PostgreSQL also allows for more advanced data types, like arrays and JSON. Arrays are useful for storing multiple values in a single column, while JSON and JSONB are used for semi-structured data.

CREATE TABLE products (
    product_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    features TEXT[],
    specifications JSONB

5. Altering Tables and Modifying Data Types

PostgreSQL also allows modifying table structures after creation using the ALTER TABLE statement. This is useful for adding new columns, changing column data types, or altering constraints.

ALTER TABLE employees ADD COLUMN email VARCHAR(255);

If you need to change the data type of a column, PostgreSQL supports that as well:



DDL queries in PostgreSQL are foundational for designing and managing database schemas, tables, and data types. By effectively using these queries, developers can create a well-structured database that ensures data integrity, enhances performance, and scales with application needs. Advanced features, such as defining constraints, using specific data types for precision, and altering table structures, allow for flexible and robust database designs that meet the evolving demands of modern applications.

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(Article By : Himanshu N)