UDP Datagram access via CMD commands

UDP Datagram Access via CMD Commands

User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a connectionless protocol that operates at the transport layer of the OSI model, unlike TCP, which is connection-oriented and ensures reliable data transmission. UDP is designed for low-latency applications where speed is critical, such as video streaming, online gaming, and VoIP (Voice over IP). It sends datagrams, which are packets of data, to a specified address and port without establishing a dedicated connection between the sender and receiver. This makes UDP faster but less reliable compared to TCP, as it does not guarantee delivery, order, or error-checking of the transmitted data.

In a networked environment, it’s often necessary for network administrators and security professionals to monitor, troubleshoot, and manage UDP datagrams. Accessing UDP datagrams via Command Prompt (CMD) commands in Windows provides useful insights into the active UDP connections, datagram traffic, and potential issues affecting network performance. Below are the key CMD commands used to interact with UDP datagrams in a detailed and advanced manner.

1. Viewing Active UDP Connections

Unlike TCP, which involves established connections that can be monitored for their state (e.g., ESTABLISHED, LISTENING), UDP operates without establishing a session. However, administrators can still monitor active UDP sockets on the system to gain insights into the applications sending and receiving UDP datagrams.

To display all UDP connections and sockets, the following command is used:

netstat -anu


The -a flag lists all connections and listening ports.

The -n flag ensures that IP addresses and port numbers are displayed in numeric format (rather than resolving hostnames or service names).

The -u flag restricts the output to UDP connections.

Example Output:

Proto  Local Address         Foreign Address       State
UDP            *:*                   Listening
UDP     *:*                   Listening
UDP      *:*                   Listening

Here, the system has several active UDP sockets:

Port 53 is associated with DNS queries (a typical use of UDP).

Port 123 is used for NTP (Network Time Protocol).

Port 68 is used by DHCP clients.

Although UDP does not have a concept of a “state” like TCP, the command still provides valuable information about which applications are listening for incoming UDP datagrams.

2. Identifying the Process Using UDP Ports

To determine which application is using a particular UDP port, the netstat command can be combined with the -b option. This displays the executable name associated with each socket.

netstat -anb | findstr “UDP”

This will list all UDP sockets along with the executable names. For example:

UDP     *:*                  C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe

The result shows that the NTP service (on port 123) is being managed by svchost.exe. This can be useful for troubleshooting or security monitoring, as you can determine if a suspicious process is using UDP ports.

3. UDP Packet Tracing with netsh

For more granular inspection of UDP traffic, netsh can be employed. netsh is a powerful command-line tool used for network configuration and diagnostics in Windows. To trace UDP packets, administrators can use the following command to display detailed network statistics:

netsh interface ipv4 show global

This command shows the configuration for all IPv4-related network interfaces, which can be useful when troubleshooting UDP issues related to specific network adapters. More advanced tracing requires setting up specific logging or monitoring tools like Wireshark, but netsh provides a useful base for network configuration insights.

4. Testing UDP Connectivity with telnet (or PowerShell)

Although telnet is traditionally used for TCP connectivity testing, it can also be adapted for UDP testing using PowerShell. To test if a particular UDP port is open on a remote server, the following command can be executed in PowerShell:

Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 123 -Protocol UDP

This command tests connectivity to IP on UDP port 123 (typically used by NTP). If the port is open and listening, the test will pass; otherwise, it will indicate a failure to establish a connection.

Example output:

ComputerName     :
RemoteAddress    :
RemotePort       : 123
InterfaceAlias   : Ethernet
SourceAddress    :
Protocol         : UDP
PingSucceeded    : False

This output shows that the connection to the specified UDP port on the remote machine failed, which can be crucial for diagnosing network or firewall issues.

5. Monitoring UDP Traffic in Real-Time

For real-time monitoring of UDP datagrams, administrators typically rely on packet capture tools like Wireshark. However, basic insights into UDP traffic volume can be obtained using netstat or netsh commands. For more advanced monitoring, third-party tools are necessary to analyze UDP packets in detail, such as inspecting payloads, sequence numbers, or handling specific application-level protocols.

6. UDP Firewall Configuration

To ensure that UDP datagrams are being transmitted correctly and securely, configuring firewall rules for UDP traffic is crucial. Using netsh, administrators can add or remove firewall rules specific to UDP ports:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”Allow UDP 123″ protocol=UDP dir=in localport=123 action=allow

This command adds a rule that allows incoming UDP traffic on port 123 (commonly used for NTP).


Accessing and managing UDP datagrams via CMD commands is a crucial skill for network administrators, especially when diagnosing issues related to latency, connectivity, or firewall configuration. Tools like netstat, telnet, and netsh enable effective monitoring and troubleshooting of UDP traffic, providing insights into active connections, processes, and network configurations. While UDP itself is inherently less reliable than TCP, understanding how to interact with and manage UDP datagrams is critical for ensuring optimal network performance in scenarios that require low latency and high throughput.

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