HTML (PWA) : Web Manifest

A Web App Manifest is a JSON file that defines the metadata required to make a web application installable and resemble native mobile or desktop applications. It is a core component of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and plays a pivotal role in enhancing user experience by enabling features like a custom home screen icon, a splash screen, offline capabilities, and full-screen mode.

This article delves into the structure, functionality, and best practices of creating a web app manifest, enabling developers to craft seamless, native-like user experiences.

What is a Web App Manifest?

The Web App Manifest acts as a configuration file that browsers use to recognize and render a web application as a PWA. By defining the application’s metadata, the manifest ensures that the app:

Can be installed on a user’s device.

Launches from a home screen shortcut.

Mimics the behavior and aesthetics of a native app.

The manifest is linked to the HTML using a <link> tag in the <head> section:

<link rel=”manifest” href=”/manifest.json”>

Key Attributes of a Web App Manifest

Below are the essential attributes commonly defined in a web manifest:

1. name and short_name

name: The full name of the application, used in app stores and installation prompts.

short_name: A shorter version displayed when space is limited (e.g., under app icons).


  “name”: “My Awesome Application”,
  “short_name”: “AwesomeApp”

2. start_url

Specifies the URL the application should launch when opened. This could be the homepage or a specific feature.

“start_url”: “/index.html”

3. icons

Defines a set of icons in different sizes to represent the app. These icons are used on the home screen, splash screen, or in installation prompts.

“icons”: [
    “src”: “/icons/icon-192×192.png”,
    “sizes”: “192×192”,
    “type”: “image/png”
    “src”: “/icons/icon-512×512.png”,
    “sizes”: “512×512”,
    “type”: “image/png”

4. display

Determines the display mode of the app:

fullscreen: Launches in full-screen mode without a browser UI.

standalone: Looks like a native app but retains minimal browser controls.

minimal-ui: Provides basic browser navigation controls.

browser: Opens with standard browser UI.

“display”: “standalone”

5. theme_color and background_color

theme_color: Specifies the color of the toolbar or title bar.

background_color: Sets the splash screen background during app launch.

“theme_color”: “#4CAF50”,
“background_color”: “#FFFFFF”

6. orientation

Defines the preferred orientation of the app (e.g., portrait or landscape).

“orientation”: “portrait”

Complete Manifest Example

Below is a fully defined web manifest:

  “name”: “My Awesome App”,
  “short_name”: “AwesomeApp”,
  “start_url”: “/index.html”,
  “display”: “standalone”,
  “theme_color”: “#4CAF50”,
  “background_color”: “#FFFFFF”,
  “orientation”: “portrait”,
  “icons”: [
      “src”: “/icons/icon-192×192.png”,
      “sizes”: “192×192”,
      “type”: “image/png”
      “src”: “/icons/icon-512×512.png”,
      “sizes”: “512×512”,
      “type”: “image/png”

Actionable Insights for Implementing a Web Manifest

1. Optimize Icons: Provide multiple resolutions to support a wide range of devices and screens. Use tools like ImageMagick or online services to generate app icons efficiently.

2. Validate Your Manifest: Use tools like Lighthouse to check for errors or improvements in your manifest file.

3. Fallback Mechanism: Ensure your web app gracefully degrades for browsers that do not support PWAs by maintaining a robust HTML and CSS base.

4. Secure Your App: PWAs require HTTPS for installation and advanced features. Use an SSL certificate to ensure secure connections.

5. Custom Splash Screen: Define theme_color and background_color in the manifest for a polished splash screen experience during app startup.

Testing and Debugging the Manifest

To test your manifest:

1. Open the application in Chrome.

2. Go to Developer Tools > Application Tab > Manifest.

3. Verify that all attributes are correctly defined and that icons load as expected.


The web app manifest is an essential building block for creating Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). By defining critical metadata such as name, icons, and start_url, developers can deliver seamless, native-like experiences to users. Following best practices, testing with tools like Lighthouse, and integrating with service workers can further enhance the reliability and performance of your web application.

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(Article By : Himanshu N)