HTML : Self Closing Tags

Self-Closing Tags: <img>, <br>, <hr>

Self-closing tags are a unique feature of HTML, designed to represent elements that do not require a closing tag. These elements are particularly useful for content that doesn’t have child elements or doesn’t require additional markup. Understanding and properly utilizing self-closing tags like <img>, <br>, and <hr> is essential for crafting efficient and valid HTML documents.

1. <img>: Image Tag

The <img> tag is used to embed images in web pages. It requires attributes such as src (source) and alt (alternative text) for functionality and accessibility.


<img src=”example.jpg” alt=”Description of the image”>

Key Attributes:

src: Specifies the path to the image file.

alt: Provides descriptive text for accessibility and SEO.

width and height: Define dimensions for better layout control.

Proper use of the <img> tag improves user experience and SEO ranking by ensuring images are accessible and appropriately described.

2. <br>: Line Break Tag

The <br> tag inserts a line break within text, commonly used for formatting poetry, addresses, or content where new lines are essential without additional spacing.


<p>This is the first line.<br>This is the second line.</p>

Use Cases:

Breaking lines in addresses or contact details.

Creating new lines in structured text without additional elements.

However, excessive use of <br> for layout purposes should be avoided; CSS should handle most styling tasks.

3. <hr>: Horizontal Rule Tag

The <hr> tag represents a thematic break or horizontal divider. It’s often used to separate content sections visually.


<p>Section 1</p>
<p>Section 2</p>

Key Styling Options (via CSS):

Adjust width, height, and color to customize the appearance of the divider:

<hr style=”border: 1px solid #ccc; width: 80%;”>

Best Practices

Always include necessary attributes for functionality and accessibility.

Avoid overusing <br> and <hr>; structure content using semantic tags and CSS whenever possible.

Ensure proper formatting for valid HTML and improved SEO.

By mastering self-closing tags, developers can enhance page structure, accessibility, and user experience in a clean and efficient manner.

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(Article By : Himanshu N)