High Level Design : UBER

Here’s a High-Level Design (HLD) for the advanced Uber system based on the components and architecture described earlier. This HLD focuses on key components, their interactions, and the overall flow of data within the system.

High-Level Design for Uber System

1. System Overview:

Users: Riders, Drivers, Admins.

Core Modules: API Gateway, Authentication, Ride Matching, Location Tracking, Pricing, Notifications, Payment, Rating, Data Analytics, etc.

Component Breakdown:

1. API Gateway:

Purpose: Serves as the entry point for all client requests (both riders and drivers).


Authentication and routing requests to the appropriate microservice.

Request rate limiting, load balancing, and monitoring.

Technology: Nginx, AWS API Gateway.


Receives requests from users and forwards them to respective services like Authentication, Ride Matching, etc.

2. Authentication & Authorization:

Purpose: Handles user authentication, token management, and role-based access control.


OAuth2.0 for login, JWT for user session management.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for enhanced security.

Technology: JWT, OAuth 2.0.


Interacts with the API Gateway for verifying credentials.

Communicates with the User Profile Service to manage session data.

3. User & Driver Profile Management:

Purpose: Manages user/driver profiles, ratings, trip history, etc.


Profile storage, updates, and querying.

Stores ride history, ratings, and feedback.

Technology: MongoDB (NoSQL), Cassandra for distributed storage.


Linked to Authentication Service for managing session data.

Provides user/driver data to other services (e.g., Ride Matching, Ratings).

4. Ride Matching Service:

Purpose: Matches riders with available drivers based on proximity and ETA.


Implements proximity-based algorithms (e.g., k-d tree, R-tree).

Matches based on rider preferences and traffic conditions.

Technology: PostGIS, Elasticsearch for geospatial indexing, GraphQL for API flexibility.


Receives real-time location data from Location Tracking Service.

Uses User Profile Data to prioritize matches based on ratings.

5. Real-Time Location Tracking:

Purpose: Tracks the location of users and drivers in real-time.


Provides real-time location updates via WebSockets or gRPC.

Location updates are stored and used for matching and ETA predictions.

Technology: WebSockets, gRPC, Redis for location storage, Kafka for message streaming.


Communicates with the Ride Matching Service for real-time data.

Sends updates to users and drivers.

6. Pricing Service:

Purpose: Calculates fare based on distance, time, demand, and traffic conditions.


Handles standard fare calculations and surge pricing logic.

Integrates machine learning for dynamic pricing.

Technology: Python (for ML models), Cassandra for storing price history.


Receives ride details from the Ride Matching Service to calculate fares.

7. Payment Service:

Purpose: Handles payment processing, tips, refunds, and commission deductions.


Interfaces with external payment providers (e.g., Stripe, PayPal).

Processes payments securely (PCI-DSS compliant).

Technology: Stripe/PayPal API, Redis for caching transaction data.


Receives fare data from the Pricing Service for payment processing.

Communicates with the Transaction Database for transaction records.

8. Notifications Service:

Purpose: Sends notifications (SMS, Push, Email) to users and drivers.


Sends notifications for ride requests, status updates, cancellations, etc.

Handles asynchronous communication using message queues.

Technology: Amazon SNS, Twilio, Firebase Push Notifications.


Receives triggers from other services (e.g., Ride Matching, Payment) to notify users and drivers.

9. Ratings & Reviews Service:

Purpose: Collects ratings and feedback for drivers and riders after the trip.


Stores ratings and reviews in a database.

Aggregates ratings for driver and rider profiles.

Technology: PostgreSQL for relational storage.


Retrieves user/driver profile data to update ratings.

Sends feedback to the User Profile Service for updating records.

10. Data Analytics and Machine Learning:

Purpose: Provides insights into user behavior, ride patterns, and operational optimizations.


Analyzes data to predict demand, optimize pricing, and improve matching algorithms.

Uses predictive models to adjust surge pricing and recommend rides.

Technology: Apache Spark, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Hadoop for large-scale data processing.


Collects data from various services (e.g., Ride Matching, Pricing) to build models.

11. Admin Dashboard:

Purpose: Provides a monitoring and control interface for Uber operations.


Monitors system health, transactions, and user/driver activity.

Allows for manual intervention in case of system failures or issues.

Technology: ReactJS (frontend), Node.js (backend), Elasticsearch for logs.


Pulls data from various services for real-time insights and reporting.

Data Flow Diagram:

|      API Gateway       |  <—–> User/Driver App (Mobile)
+————————+           +————————+
|   Authentication &     |           |    Ride Matching       |
|   Authorization        | <——–> |    Service             |
+————————+           +————————+
            |                                |
            v                                v
+————————+          +————————–+
|  User/Driver Profile   |          |    Real-Time Location    |
|    Management          | <——–> |      Tracking Service    |
+————————+          +————————–+
+————————+          +————————–+
|    Pricing Service     | <——> |   Notifications Service  |
|    (Fare Calculation)  |          |    (SMS, Push, Email)    |
+————————+          +————————–+
+————————+          +————————–+
|    Payment Service     | <——> |    Ratings & Reviews     |
|    (Payment Processing)|          |      Service             |
+————————+          +————————–+
+————————+          +————————–+
|  Data Analytics & ML   | <—–>  |    Admin Dashboard       |
|  (Model Training &     |          |    (Monitoring & Control)|
|   Predictive Models)   |          |                          |
+————————+          +————————–:

Microservices: Deployed as Docker containers on Kubernetes clusters.

Database: Relational and NoSQL databases (PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra).

Geospatial Data: Geospatial data stored in PostGIS or Elasticsearch.

Message Queuing: Kafka for real-time data streaming between services.

Load Balancer: Nginx or HAProxy for distributing incoming traffic across services.

Auto-Scaling: Use cloud services like AWS ECS, GKE, or EKS for horizontal scaling.

Logging & Monitoring: Use Prometheus for monitoring and ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) for centralized logging.

Security Considerations:

Encryption: Data encryption at rest (AES-256) and in transit (TLS).

API Rate Limiting: Protect APIs from DDoS attacks.

User Data Protection: Compliance with GDPR, CCPA, etc.

Vulnerability Scanning: Regular audits and penetration testing to identify weaknesses.

This High-Level Design provides a robust, scalable, and secure architecture for Uber-like systems, with a focus on modern FANG standards. The use of microservices, geospatial indexing, real-time communication, and advanced data analytics ensures the system can scale with increasing demand while maintaining a high level of performance and security.

The article above is rendered by integrating outputs of 1 HUMAN AGENT & 3 AI AGENTS, an amalgamation of HGI and AI to serve technology education globally.

(Article By : Himanshu N)